This week lays the foundation for everything else in the course. Before you start to learn each of the parts of the MEAN Stack it's a good idea to understand if the MEAN Stack is what you actually need.
You will learn the skills that are required to pick up just about any new modern development framework in a couple of hours instead of months.
Most of your projects will first start with this principles in mind, allowing you to focus more on the problem you are solving and less on the technology you are using.
You will find out how to get started with Software Engineering. I will show you how programming is NOT Software Engineering and Software Engineering is not programming. You will see real world examples of Code of ethics, and understand what a Software Engineer does day to day.
Understand the difference between a library and a framework, learn how to decide to use or not to use a framework and see how a framework can boost your productivity by 10x fold.
Why learn the MEAN Stack? Is it right for you? Does it scale? What are the licensing restrictions? In this lesson, you will learn about why and when you need to use the MEAN Stack.
The client server architecture allows you to create an application that can be used by infinitely many devices. Mobile, internet of things, web, native systems etc. You will see exactly how this pattern is used to accept requests and how you can create a response back to the client.
If you are creating a native driver or an app that helps others find the nearest source of clean water both require you to know CRUD. Find out the basics of using Create, Read, Update and Delete.
You do not have to reinvent the wheel every time you start a new project. Learn about the Model View Controller design pattern to create robust well-tested code.
Learn about how you can use the Singleton Pattern to keep all of your objects restricted from being instantiated. This will play a major part once we start working with external objects inside your controllers.
Welcome to the new world! STOP feeling overworked and overwhelmed by all the new changes that JavaScript is going through.
Should you be using babel? what about JSX? or should you just learn the new syntax for ES6 and not even be worried about ES7?
What if I can tell you about a superset of JavaScript that can support both ES6 features and ES7 and beyond? Sound interested?
You'll finally get a clear path to follow of where JavaScript is headed, and how you can stay up to date with all the new changes that JavaScript is going through.
Before you move onto ES6 and beyond you will need to let go of ES5. Everyone experiences the loss of someone or something differently you will learn how to let go of ES5 and welcome ES6.
ECMA 6 Standard brings so many different changes to the language of JavaScript. In this lesson, you will get a practical guide on how to navigate through all of the changes that JavaScript is going through and how to stay on top of everything ES7 and ES8.
ES6 is great but TypeScript is even better. Start building robust code that can scale. You will learn all about the benefits that TypeScript provides for Strong Types and the downfall of ES6.
You will setup TypeScript, look at the Command Line interface, see how versioning works, look into config files, watch for live changes, and transpile ES6 to ES5.
Find out about the new changes to the keyword
. Learn when and where you need to use the new keywords
, and
Master all of the new ES6 operators available to you, for example Destructuring, Spread, and Rest operators. You will see old ES5 examples converted to ES6 step-by-step.
Now more than ever the OOP principles are being put to use with ES6. Specifically with classes to achieve true abstraction with encapsulated modules that can be inherited or polymorphed to get the right type of behavior.
Modules in ES6 bring a new syntax and a new way to import existing modules. You will learn to make sense of modules by learning AMD, CommonJS and ES6 modules.
JavaScript offers you Maps, Sets, and Collections all of which are Higher order functions. You will see how you can start writing more reactive functional programs.
Promises are a core component to JavaScript. If you are familiar with callbacks this section will take your knowledge to the next level by using promises allowing you to create much cleaner code.
Node.js is allowing you to rethink your server side code. With a powerful language of JavaScript you can now create full applications that can support concurrent connections, run asynchronous code, support standard SQL and NoSQL databases.
You will learn the skills that are required to pick up just about any new modern development framework in a couple of hours instead of months.
If you are building a REST API, a large scale application that's distributed across a cluster of machines, or if you just want to have a clean interface to deal with native C++ code Node can take care of all of this for you.
We will cover the basics of node by creating a simple application and understanding how the runtime interacts with the native operating system.
See how you can leverage over 250,000+ pre-built packages with npm. You will explore versioning of modules, understanding the package.json file, and how to manage your own packages using the command line tool.
If you are new to JSON or come with a background of SOAP or XML you will find it refreshing how easy it is to work with JSON. I will cover how to generate JSON code with all the different data types available to you.
Node.js provides you the ability to write out files
to the operating system. You will
learn how to read in files and how to write out files. You will learn how to
with basic
files and create a module from scratch that will do all of
this operations.
Learn how to unit tests asynchronous JavaScript code. You will learn about Mocha, Chai and find out about common testing patterns such as mocking, dependency injection and code coverage.
Anyone can publish a module to npm it just takes a couple of steps, I will show you step-by-step how to patch, and publish modules to npm.
Before you start using an abstraction to Node.js such as Express.js it's a good idea to understand how Node.js works as a web server. You will create a simple web server that will serve JSON.
Express.js is a well-tested library that takes care of all the low-level Node.js code that's necessary to accept connections, and handle routing to your controllers. Express.js can be used to render server side HTML pages, single page apps, or a RESTful API.
Learn all the new features that Express.js 4+ provides for you. You will be exploring how you can create robust routing solutions for high-performance applications.
Software development is all about not having to
reinvent the wheel every single time
you start a new project, you will learn about Express which takes care of all
this low-level implementations of the
module. You will see examples of Web and Server applications.
The HTTP protocol provides you the ability to receive data and answer back. You will learn how to make sense of this protocol from scratch by understanding HTTP methods, and Status Codes.
You will use the Express Generator to scaffold an Express application and convert that ES5 application into an ES6 + TypeScript application.
Introduction to Webpack, you will setup Webpack this modern module bundler to transpile TypeScript code into ES5 and bundle up all of our files into one large executable file and watch for changes.
Find out how Express cleanly handles routes. You will be taking a look at route parameters, sub routes, and outputting JSON for API endpoints.
You will learn how to abstract out your business logic to controllers, handle unwanted behavior with the built in error handlers, and import modules to your express routes.
We will generate server side code with EJS, export out values from your controllers and routes to your views and render clean HTML code.
Use conditionals inside your templates to output dynamic partials to a view. You will create multiple partials and render out dynamic templates that include dynamic values.
Persisting server side sessions across a user's session is an important part of handling state in your application. You learn about cookies, servers sessions, and tokens. You will then put it all together with a coding sample.
If you are new to the world of databases or if you come from a SQL or NoSQL background you might be surprised with how easy it is to work with MongoDB.
Typical SQL relational databases are difficult to work with because of the tight coupling from the relational design. Your database fields change, you will want to go from an integer field to a text field without having to truncate fields and cause data migration headaches.
You will learn why Companies such as PayPal, Walmart, Uber and Lyft are using MongoDB and most importantly how you can integrate it with your own applications.
Learn about the benefits of a NoSQL database. I will introduce you to the concept of a database and show you how a database works both in SQL and NoSQL databases.
Learn exactly how MongoDB stores data. I will introduce you to concepts such as schemas, models, documents, key value pairs, JSON, sub documents, references and plugins that are available to make your development easier.
I will show you how to get started with MongoDB if you are using Linux, OSX, and Windows 10. I will also show you how to understand Software License.
Master how to work with MongoDB from the command line. We will take a look at some of the basic operations that you might run into such as backing up and restoring your database, or dropping collections .
MongoDB brings you a powerful querying language. In this section we will take a look at how to query the database using the command line with JavaScript.
Understand how to quickly view all of your collections with a GUI tool during development. We will take a look at the GUI interface and API generators.
It's time to put all of your new skills about MongoDB to the test by creating models with in your JavaScript code using Node.js. We will create a basic model that has a subdocument and a reference to another model and then query that model.
Now that you have a model. We will modify that model in order to accomplish a complete CRUD(Create, Read ,Update, and Delete) on any given document.
Angular is a complete game changer over AngularJS. Learning to use Angular as your front-facing framework is what allows you to pull together the entire MEAN Stack. Without angular, you would be left with a great server application but nothing to show for it. Angular allows you to create amazing user experiences and applications.
The true value of Angular is in it's ability for you to create cross platform applications that will perform with speed in just about any device, web, mobile and desktop.
Now with the upcoming release of Angular there's never been a better time to learn to use Angular.
It's always difficult having to learn a new tool. In this section you will say goodbye to old Angular versions and welcome Angular 2 with a warm hello. I will show you a high level overview of Angular 2 version.
Modules are a big deal in Angular, you can not do anything without Modules. You will learn to see how modules use components, directives, pipes, services and external modules.
Components are becoming the standard for creating web applications. Components are the building blocks for your application. You will learn how to think in components, what components are and how you can create them.
Directives are one of the simpler topics in Angular
8. You will learn how to use the following directives for your own applications.
and so much more.
Angular's components are built up based on a template. You will learn how to define a template, and modify a template that interacts with Angular built in metadata.
Angular has always been about user's interactions. Data binding allows your application to interact with the user based on a user interface that handles events. We will cover one way, and two way data binding.
You will see the theory about the observer pattern and learn to use Rxjs to create observables from an HTTP request.
SPAs(Single Page Application) are based on having one single page that has many views. You will see how Angular implements Routes with paths and components.
In this lesson, you will be putting everything together for the entire MEAN Stack from scratch and create two different build process with Webpack.
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As a new student of 2019 for a limited time you will get this three extra bonuses to help with your journey to become a Full-Stack developer when you register for the course today.
We like to think of JSecademy as the last resource you will need to finally get your "app idea" shipped. We focus on teaching you the principles of Computer Science, with the most popular and versatile programming language on the planet - JavaScript! When you activate your account with JSecademy you will have access to a growing library of content related to Computer Science, Software Engineering and Programming realted topics.
If you feel like you are getting stuck along the way or you don't understand a specific part you will be able to ask the facebook community of other full-stack developers. You will get a completely immersive experience and a one-of-a-kind learning environment that you won't be able to find anywhere else. You'll get to benefit from the knowledge of all the members of JSecademy while simultaneously benefiting from the knowledge of someone who is already a Software Developer.
You will get over 60 "hands-on" labs that you can work through on your own time and really master the skills that are required to become a Full-Stack developer. The labs include small programming challenges, reading technical documents and coding samples are included within the labs. Each of the labs is designed to be self-contained, that means you can pick up any lab and get to work without having any previous knowledge of any other lab.
This course is the sum total of the wisdom that I have gained as a Full-Stack Developer who had to struggle, fail, self-experiment to finally reach eventual success.
If I had access to this course when I was 18 years old, who knows where I would be today with my career. I could have saved YEARS of frustration and failure.
My number one goal is to help as many people as possible to transform into Full-Stack Developers. Software Development can really change your life not only if you just live in the US but if you live anywhere in the world. It sure has for me, it has shown me that there are other options.
I want to keep the price for this course to be affordable for just about anyone that is willing to improve themselves could afford it.
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Are you ready to become a Full-Stack Developer?
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If you are ready to create a scalable, flexible, and reliable application and go from 0 to 60 , this is the course for you.
I always had a passion for the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) and I knew I wanted to do something to make a difference in the world. I just didn’t know where to start. I was an immigrant in a new country, grew up in a tough environment, and wasn’t sure how I would make it in Computer Science. Along with these roadblocks, I didn’t learn to code until I was twenty years old and I didn’t do well in college originally. Once I had my moment of clarity and realized that I wouldn’t let anything stop me in pursuing my passion in Computer Science, I began to chase that dream which leads me to where I am today.
In order to truly make a difference in the lives of others, I decided to begin to write about and teach what I had learned. I began to teach classes at a local college and created an online coding bootcamp, which now has over 500+ graduates. I became a published author, I started my public speaking career, I created a scaffolding framework, became a lead developer, won an award for “Best in Class” Bioinformatics Software, and successfully exited three software start-ups.
"I made my dream growing up, into my actual reality!"
I believe that the STEM field goes far beyond my life and skills behind a screen. I want to help others succeed and overcome challenges they may be facing. With the right information and education, I believe that anyone can reach their full potential and make their own dreams a reality. I post each and every piece of content and information with full confidence and ownership. I hold myself accountable to my work and what I share with you, and my hopes for my work is to create a positive, creative, and fun environment for visitors like you.
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